Washing Your Car


1. Add two capfuls (or the recommended amount) of concentrated car cleaner to one full bucket of water, and leave the other bucket filled with water to clean off your sponge throughout the cleaning session.
2. After you rinse down the entire car, use a washing mitt or sponge and start cleaning the roof.
3. Start from the top and work down so that dirty water won’t run off onto the panels you just cleaned.
4. Clean one panel at a time and rinse as you go so that the soap doesn’t dry onto your car.
5. Use just enough water pressure to get the suds off.
6. Repeat until the entire car is clean.
7. Drying your car! Use a damp chamois or soft terry cloth towel (preferably just out of the washer) to remove excess water from the entire car. Start at the roof and work down to the lower panels.

*NEVER use dishwashing liquid or old rags, as they strip all the wax off your car and leave scratches.

Inspired by : pepboys.com

3 thoughts on “Washing Your Car

  1. satriyo.sriwibowo.m

    ada workshop cuci mobil enggak kak?

  2. Deby Kurnia P

    Wah boleh itu. Segera agendakan aja kak hehe

  3. muhammad.aries

    wah mantap

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